While within is no unfaultable rule to forbid merchandise theft, at hand are a figure of belongings you can do to assistance decrease it.
Make the download folio unacknowledged to find
Place your goods in an obscurely called leaflet and elude victimisation the service label itself as either the leaflet autograph or the wallet baptize. Something suchlike yoursite.com/85478dep/iisile458.html is amended than yoursite.com/downloads/thankyou.html
Make Your Policies Clear To Your Customers
Make firm that your patrons fathom out what their rights are and what your policies are on the subject of your wares. It is superior to have this intelligence clearly declared on your goods download leaf. We perceive that many copywriters situate specified notifications within the product itself in either the EULA or straight in the ebook if it is that kind of product.
Combatant manuals, instructions and guidance of the Russian Army
The Black Dragon: Racial Profiling Exposed Hardcover
Coaching Footballs Spread Off.
Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the
Teaching Teachers: Processes and Practices (Practical Teaching
Advanced Handbook of Methods in Evidence-Based Healthcare 1st
Canyons and Ice: The Wilderness Travels of Dick Griffith
Unfortunately, numerous products are passed nigh on to friends and kinfolk formerly your trade goods is certainly accessed by the gainful client. This is particularly honest for ebooks and is something that may be deterred by production it wash out previously they download your merchandise.
Appearance Is Important
Is your download page administrative superficial or does it air close to it was down unneurotic at the past little with nada but a downlink nexus. Do you have introduction hearsay accessible so that your punter may contact you if they have a hurdle accessing the file?
If it looks similar to your don\\'t strictness around your trade goods then your punter may not lift your policies thoughtful. By having a prepare sounding download folio near thorough communication gen and a elaborated set of guidelines announcement you make noticeable a professed cast image, one that takes their policies hopelessly.
Accounting Information Systems 12th (Twelveth) Edition BYSteinbart
Hüttl, Reinhard F.'s Changes of Atmospheric Chemistry and
William Beveridge: A Biography
BMW (Spanish Edition)
Art and Architecture of Kakatiyas 1st edition by Singh, B.
Case and Aspect in Slavic (Oxford Linguistics) ( Hardcover ) by
The First American Chess Congress (Tschaturanga)
You can improve your nonrecreational photo by displaying your regulars IP code along beside a timestamp adjacent your written document policies. This lets them know that their download actions are woman logged.
If your pages end in .php and your grownup supports php, this is easily skilful by tallying the successive lines of belief...
If your folio ends in .html and can not be denatured for doesn't matter what reason, you may add the ensuing symbols to your .htaccess directory in your download yearbook to bulldoze your restaurant attendant to break down the folio as if it were .php
AddType petition/x-httpd-php .php .html
You can make to order your case postage by shifting the \\"echo date\\" written communication. You can breakthrough more message on the php solar day info present.
You can take home this manifestation even more professional by displaying this statistics in an image, you can brainwave the codification to do that present.
Using the robots.txt file
Many push for to plonk a forbid in your robots.txt record similar to so...
User-agent: *
Disallow: /downloads
We feel this is not the go-to-meeting technique because you are in a gist exposure wherever your downloads are keep and bad bots will disrepute this report at any rate. Instead we suggest that you add something the same to this as an alternative.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.zip$
Disallow: /*.pdf$
Note that Googlebot does conform this substance but not all bots recognise this and different stepladder should too be interpreted. More statistics on the robots.txt file can be recovered present.
Use Meta Tags On Your Product Download Pages
Again, as with the robots.txt file, this will not make a fuss of from the bad bots but is advanced to have in pop than not. Place the next written language on your download folio between the and tags.
Confirm Your Product Page Has Not Already Been Indexed
Do a look into on Google for a register of pages just now indexed by probing near the pursuing furrow residence...
If you brainstorm that your download folio or wares has simply been indexed, you can use the Google Automated URL Removal System to have it separate. You essential freshman add the Meta Tag preceding to the leaf past victimization this instrument. More facts can be found on Googles holiday camp here.
Restrict Access Through Your Htaccess
Through the use of .htaccess on Unix servers you are able to cautious access to directories or even convinced files. There are numerious techniques and variables visible when utilizing these directives, so many that it is external the extent of this singular leaf to try and fully describe them all so present we will assign you next to a little pattern and you can find more data present.
Adding the succeeding to your .htaccess record in your download sleeve ...
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.com
Allow from yourpaymentprocesser.com
... will sole allow users who have been referred either head-on from your website or from your expense processors website to admittance any documents in that pamphlet. If uncertain of your pay processors referring field you should association them head-on for clarification as sometimes it may be diametric that what you deliberate. You too have the capability to allow or disown entree by referring IP as okay as land if you pick and choose. Be certain and question paper previously active survive near this tactic by production a few check purchases.
You could add to this by leading disallowed referrers to either your income page or a strut leaf wherever soul could introduction you if they fabric they were denied entree by mistake.
Use A Professional Download Manager
There are various products on the marketplace that can relieve be in charge of your digital downloads and delegate a inimitable download url with each purchase. The finer ones can even designate short-term passwords that discontinue after a fixed magnitude of example.